
How you did/completed it Why it was difficult And how you felt about doing it 话题分析 第一小问“What it was”是什么困难 正如上文所说,可以从主客观方向或是学习、工作、家庭、感情等方面确定主题,接下来用简单的几句话具体展开你面对的困难是什么。主要的脉...

Young women practising yoga [Photo/VCG] 1. strenuous 2014年的流行语“蛮拼的”就翻译成了pretty strenuous,有挺努力的意思,又有“即使已经很努力了,却没有成功”的反讽意味。 His doctor advised him not to do any strenuous exercise. 他的医生建议他不要做任何...

经历了大胆开车的作文,“难度稳定”的数学,江苏卷长达一米六的英语如期来袭:单选套路深,完形考情商,阅读翻译成中文也不一定对? 据荔枝新闻靠谱消息,今年英语内容、难度与前两年基本一致。“注重基础,强调运用,突出能力,保持平稳”,江苏省英语特级教师,南京市扬子中学...

Do you secretly thought of what you think is a great project: a long journey? A gap year is just for you, to see the end of the world. Bid farewell to the daily routines. W...

20、If we work with a strong will ,we can overcome any difficulty___ great it is A. what B. how C. however D. whatever 21、No matter how hard he worked, ___ . A. he could not do any better B. and he could not do any better C. so he ...

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